Source code for beyondml.tflow.utils.utils

from beyondml.tflow.layers import MaskedDense, MaskedConv2D, MaskedConv3D, FilterLayer, SumLayer, SelectorLayer, MultiMaskedDense, MultiMaskedConv2D, MultiMaskedConv3D, MultiDense, MultiConv2D, MultiConv3D, MultiMaxPool2D, MultiMaxPool3D, SparseDense, SparseConv2D, SparseConv3D, SparseMultiDense, SparseMultiConv2D, SparseMultiConv3D, MultitaskNormalization
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import Callback
import numpy as np
import warnings

MASKING_LAYERS = (MaskedDense, MaskedConv2D, MaskedConv3D,
                  MultiMaskedDense, MultiMaskedConv2D, MultiMaskedConv3D)
MULTI_MASKING_LAYERS = (MultiMaskedDense, MultiMaskedConv2D, MultiMaskedConv3D)
NON_MASKING_LAYERS = (MultiDense, MultiConv2D, MultiConv3D)
SPARSE_LAYERS = (SparseDense, SparseConv2D, SparseConv3D,
                 SparseMultiDense, SparseMultiConv2D, SparseMultiConv3D)
    (FilterLayer, SumLayer, SelectorLayer, MultiMaxPool2D,

     MultiMaxPool3D, MultitaskNormalization)

[docs]class ActiveSparsification(Callback): """ Keras-compatible callback object which enables active sparsification, allowing for increased sparsification as models train. """ def __init__( self, performance_cutoff, performance_measure='auto', starting_sparsification=None, max_sparsification=99, sparsification_rate=1, sparsification_patience=10, stopping_delta=0.01, stopping_patience=5, restore_best_weights=True, verbose=1 ): """ Parameters ---------- performance_cutoff : float The cutoff value that the performance measure must "beat" in order to iteratively sparsify performance_measure : str (default 'auto') The performance measure that is used in conjunction with `performance_cutoff` starting_sparsification : int or None (default None) The starting sparsification that the model has already been sparsified to. If `None`, then defaults to 0 max_sparsification : int (default 99) The maximum sparsification allowed sparsification_rate : int (default 1) The increase in sparsification that occurs when model performance beats the performance cutoff sparsification_patience : int (default 10) The number of epochs the model is allowed to train for without beating the performance measure before stopping sparsification stopping_delta : float (default 0.01) The performance improvement that must be seen when pruning has stopped and early stopping is being considered stopping_patience : int (default 5) The number of epochs the model is allowed to train for without `stopping_delta` improvement before stopping training restore_best_weights : bool (default True) Whether to restore model best weights after training verbose : int or bool (default 1) Verbosity level for logging. Notes ----- - If `performance_measure` is 'auto', defaults to the following measures, in order: 'val_accuracy', 'val_loss', 'accuracy', 'loss' - If `performance_measure` defaults to any accuracy value, then `performance_cutoff` represents the minimum value that must be beaten. If `performance_measure` defaults to any loss value, then `performance_cutoff` represents the maximum value that must be beaten """ super(Callback, self).__init__() self.performance_cutoff = performance_cutoff self.performance_measure = performance_measure self.starting_sparsification = starting_sparsification self.max_sparsification = max_sparsification self.sparsification_rate = sparsification_rate self.sparsification_patience = sparsification_patience self.stopping_delta = stopping_delta self.stopping_patience = stopping_patience self.restore_best_weights = restore_best_weights self.verbose = int(verbose)
[docs] def on_train_begin(self, logs=None): self.prune_wait = 0 self.stop_wait = 0 self.best_weights = self.model.get_weights() = None self.pruning = True self.sparsification = self.starting_sparsification if self.starting_sparsification is not None else 0
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None): if self.performance_measure == 'auto': if 'val_accuracy' in logs.keys(): self.performance_measure = 'val_accuracy' elif 'val_loss' in logs.keys(): self.performance_measure = 'val_loss' elif 'accuracy' in logs.keys(): self.performance_measure = 'accuracy' else: self.performance_measure = 'loss' if self.verbose: print(f'Performance measure set to {self.performance_measure}') performance = logs[self.performance_measure] if is None: = performance if 'accuracy' in self.performance_measure: if self.pruning: if performance >= self.performance_cutoff: self.best_weights = self.model.get_weights() = performance if self.sparsification + self.sparsification_rate > self.max_sparsification: print( 'Model cannot be sparsified further due to max sparsification parameter') self.pruning = False else: self._sparsify_model( self.sparsification + self.sparsification_rate) self.sparsification = self.sparsification + self.sparsification_rate self.prune_wait = 0 if self.verbose: print( f'Model performance reached {round(performance, 2)}, sparsifying to {self.sparsification}') else: self.prune_wait += 1 if self.verbose: print( f'Model performance has not reached pruning threshold for {self.prune_wait} epoch(s)') if self.prune_wait >= self.sparsification_patience: self.pruning = False self.model.set_weights(self.best_weights) if self.verbose: print( f'Model performance has not reached pruning threshold for {self.prune_wait} epochs, reverting to {self.sparsification - self.sparsification_rate} sparsification and beginning early stopping') else: if performance >= + self.stopping_delta: self.best_weights = self.model.get_weights() = performance self.stop_wait = 0 if self.verbose: print( f'Model performance improved to {round(, 2)}') else: self.stop_wait += 1 if self.verbose: print( f'Early stopping performance has not met threshold for {self.stop_wait} epochs') if self.stop_wait >= self.stopping_patience: if self.restore_best_weights: self.model.set_weights(self.best_weights) if self.verbose: print( 'Model performance has not met early stopping criteria. Stopping training') self.model.stop_training = True else: if self.pruning: if performance <= self.performance_cutoff: self.best_weights = self.model.get_weights() = performance if self.sparsification + self.sparsification_rate > self.max_sparsification: print( 'Model cannot be sparsified further due to max sparsification parameter') self.pruning = False else: self._sparsify_model( self.sparsification + self.sparsification_rate) self.sparsification = self.sparsification + self.sparsification_rate self.prune_wait = 0 if self.verbose: print( f'Model performance reached {round(performance, 2)}, sparsifying to {self.sparsification}') else: self.prune_wait += 1 if self.verbose: print( f'Model performance has not reached pruning threshold for {self.prune_wait} epoch(s)') if self.prune_wait >= self.sparsification_patience: self.pruning = False self.model.set_weights(self.best_weights) if self.verbose: print( f'Model performance has not reached pruning threshold for {self.prune_wait} epochs, reverting to {self.sparsification - self.sparsification_rate} sparsification and beginning early stopping') else: if performance <= - self.stopping_delta: self.best_weights = self.model.get_weights() = performance self.stop_wait = 0 if self.verbose: print( f'Model performance improved to {round(, 2)}') else: self.stop_wait += 1 if self.verbose: print( f'Early stopping performance has not met threshold for {self.stop_wait} epochs') if self.stop_wait >= self.stopping_patience: if self.restore_best_weights: self.model.set_weights(self.best_weights) if self.verbose: print( 'Model performance has not met early stopping criteria. Stopping training') self.model.stop_training = True
def _sparsify_model(self, percentage): """Function to sparsify the model""" try: new_model = tf.keras.models.Model.from_config( self.model.get_config(), custom_objects=get_custom_objects()) except Exception: new_model = tf.keras.models.Sequential.from_config( self.model.get_config(), custom_objects=get_custom_objects()) new_model.set_weights(self.model.get_weights()) self.model.set_weights( mask_model( new_model, percentage, method='magnitude' ).get_weights() )
def _get_masking_gradients( model, x, y ): """ Obtain masking layer gradients with respect to the tasks presented Parameters ---------- model : tf.keras Model The model to get the gradients of x : np.array or array-like The input data y : np.array or array-like The true output Returns ------- masking_gradients : list A list of gradients for the masking weights for the model """ # Check outputs if isinstance(y, list): if not all([len(val.shape) > 1 for val in y]): raise ValueError( 'Error in output shapes. If any tasks have a single output, please reshape the value using the `.reshape(-1, 1)` method') elif not len(y.shape) > 1: raise ValueError( 'Error in output shapes. If your task has a single output, please reshape the value using the `.reshape(-1, 1)` method') # Grab the weights for the masking layers masking_weights = [ layer.trainable_weights for layer in model.layers if isinstance(layer, MASKING_LAYERS) ] # Setup and obtain the losses losses = model.loss if not isinstance(losses, list): if callable(losses): losses = [losses] * len(x) losses = [tf.keras.losses.get(losses)] * len(x) else: losses = [tf.keras.losses.get(loss) if not callable( loss) else loss for loss in losses] # Grab the gradients for the specified weights with tf.GradientTape() as tape: raw_preds = model(x) losses = [losses[i](y[i], raw_preds[i]) for i in range(len(losses))] gradients = tape.gradient(losses, masking_weights) return gradients
[docs]def get_custom_objects(): """Return a dictionary of custom objects (layers) to use when loading models trained using this package""" return dict( zip( ['MaskedDense', 'MaskedConv2D', 'MaskedConv3D', 'MultiMaskedDense', 'MultiMaskedConv2D', 'MultiMaskedConv3D', 'MultiDense', 'MultiConv2D', 'MultiConv3D', 'SparseDense', 'SparseConv2D', 'SparseConv3D', 'SparseMultiDense', 'SparseMultiConv2D', 'SparseMultiConv3D', 'FilterLayer', 'SumLayer', 'SelectorLayer', 'MultiMaxPool2D', 'MultiMaxPool3D'], CUSTOM_LAYERS ) )
[docs]def mask_model( model, percentile, method='gradients', exclusive=True, x=None, y=None ): """ Mask the multitask model for training respective using the gradients for the tasks at hand Parameters ---------- model : keras model with MANN masking layers The model to be masked percentile : int Percentile to use in masking. Any weights less than the `percentile` value will be made zero method : str (default 'gradients') One of either 'gradients' or 'magnitude' - the method for how to identify weights to mask If method is 'gradients', utilizes the gradients with respect to the passed x and y variables to identify the subnetwork to activate for each task If method is 'magnitude', uses the magnitude of the weights to identify the subnetwork to activate for each task exclusive : bool (default True) Whether to restrict previously-used weight indices for each task. If `True`, this identifies disjoint subsets of weights within the layer which perform the tasks requested. x : list of np.ndarray or array-like The training data input values, ignored if "method" is 'magnitude' y : list of np.ndarray or array-like The training data output values, ignored if "method" is 'magnitude' """ # Check method method = method.lower() if method not in ['gradients', 'magnitude']: raise ValueError( f"method must be one of 'gradients', 'magnitude', got {method}") # Get the gradients if method == 'gradients': grads = _get_masking_gradients( model, x, y ) # Work to identify the right weights if exclusive if exclusive: gradient_idx = 0 for layer in model.layers: if isinstance(layer, tf.keras.models.Model): warnings.warn( 'mask_model does not effectively support models with models as layers if method is "gradients". Please set method to "magnitude"', RuntimeWarning) if isinstance(layer, MASKING_LAYERS): if not isinstance(layer, MULTI_MASKING_LAYERS): layer_grads = [np.abs(grad) for grad in grads[gradient_idx]] new_masks = [(grad >= np.percentile(grad, percentile)).astype( int) for grad in layer_grads] layer.set_masks(new_masks) else: layer_grads = [np.abs(grad.numpy()) for grad in grads[gradient_idx]] new_masks = [] for grad in layer_grads: new_mask = np.zeros(grad.shape) used_weights = np.zeros(grad.shape[1:]) for task_idx in range(grad.shape[0]): grad[task_idx][used_weights == 1] = 0 new_mask[task_idx] = (grad[task_idx] >= np.percentile( grad[task_idx], percentile)).astype(int) used_weights += new_mask[task_idx] new_masks.append(new_mask) layer.set_masks(new_masks) gradient_idx += 1 # Work to identify the right weights if not exclusive else: gradient_idx = 0 for layer in model.layers: if isinstance(layer, tf.keras.models.Model): warnings.warn( 'mask_model does not effectively support models with models as layers if method is "gradients". Please set method to "magnitude"', RuntimeWarning) if isinstance(layer, MASKING_LAYERS): if not isinstance(layer, MULTI_MASKING_LAYERS): layer_grads = [np.abs(grad.numpy()) for grad in grads[gradient_idx]] new_masks = [(grad >= np.percentile(grad, percentile)).astype( int) for grad in layer_grads] layer.set_masks(new_masks) else: layer_grads = [np.abs(grad.numpy()) for grad in grads[gradient_idx]] new_masks = [] for grad in layer_grads: new_mask = np.zeros(grad.shape) for task_idx in range(grad.shape[0]): new_mask[task_idx] = (grad[task_idx] >= np.percentile( grad[task_idx], percentile)).astype(int) new_masks.append(new_mask) layer.set_masks(new_masks) gradient_idx += 1 # Do this is method is "magnitude" elif method == 'magnitude': for layer in model.layers: if isinstance(layer, MASKING_LAYERS): if not isinstance(layer, MULTI_MASKING_LAYERS): weights = [np.abs(weight.numpy()) for weight in layer.trainable_weights] new_masks = [ (weight >= np.percentile(weight, percentile)).astype(int) for weight in weights ] layer.set_masks(new_masks) else: weights = [np.abs(weight.numpy()) for weight in layer.trainable_weights] if not exclusive: new_masks = [np.zeros(weight.shape) for weight in weights] for weight_idx in range(len(weights)): for task_idx in range(weights[weight_idx].shape[0]): new_masks[weight_idx][task_idx] = (weights[weight_idx][task_idx] >= np.percentile( weights[weight_idx][task_idx], percentile)).astype(int) else: new_masks = [np.zeros(weight.shape) for weight in weights] for weight_idx in range(len(weights)): for task_idx in range(weights[weight_idx].shape[0]): exclusive_weight = weights[weight_idx][task_idx] * ( 1 - new_masks[weight_idx][:task_idx].sum(axis=0)) new_masks[weight_idx][task_idx] = (exclusive_weight >= np.percentile( weights[weight_idx][task_idx], percentile)).astype(int) layer.set_masks(new_masks) elif isinstance(layer, tf.keras.models.Model): mask_model( layer, percentile, method, exclusive ) # Compile the model again so the effects take place model.compile() return model
[docs]def replace_config(config): """ Replace the model config to remove masking layers """ new_config = config.copy() layer_mapping = { 'MaskedConv2D': 'Conv2D', 'MaskedConv3D': 'Conv3D', 'MaskedDense': 'Dense', 'MultiMaskedConv2D': 'MultiConv2D', 'MultiMaskedConv3D': 'MultiConv3D', 'MultiMaskedDense': 'MultiDense' } model_classes = ('Functional', 'Sequential') for i in range(len(new_config['layers'])): if new_config['layers'][i]['class_name'] in layer_mapping.keys(): orig_class_name = new_config['layers'][i]['class_name'] new_config['layers'][i]['class_name'] = layer_mapping[ new_config['layers'][i]['class_name'] ] if new_config['layers'][i].get('module'): new_config['layers'][i]['module'] = new_config['layers'][i]['module'].replace( orig_class_name, layer_mapping[orig_class_name] ).replace('beyondml.tflow.layers', 'tensorflow.keras.layers') if new_config['layers'][i]['config'].get('mask_initializer'): del new_config['layers'][i]['config']['mask_initializer'] elif new_config['layers'][i]['class_name'] in model_classes: new_config['layers'][i]['config'] = replace_config( new_config['layers'][i]['config']) return new_config
def _create_masking_config(config): """ Replace the model config to add masking layers """ new_config = config.copy() layer_mapping = { 'Conv2D': 'MaskedConv2D', 'Conv3D': 'MaskedConv3D', 'Dense': 'MaskedDense', 'MultiConv2D': 'MultiMaskedConv2D', 'MultiConv3D': 'MultiMaskedConv3D', 'MultiDense': 'MultiMaskedDense' } model_classes = ('Functional', 'Sequential') for i in range(len(new_config['layers'])): if new_config['layers'][i]['class_name'] in layer_mapping.keys(): orig_class_name = new_config['layers'][i]['class_name'] new_config['layers'][i]['class_name'] = layer_mapping[ new_config['layers'][i]['class_name'] ] if new_config['layers'][i].get('module'): new_config['layers'][i]['module'] = new_config['layers'][i]['module'].replace( orig_class_name, layer_mapping[orig_class_name] ) new_config['layers'][i]['config']['mask_initializer'] = tf.keras.initializers.serialize( tf.keras.initializers.get('ones') ) elif new_config['layers'][i]['class_name'] in model_classes: new_config['layers'][i]['config'] = _create_masking_config( new_config['layers'][i]['config']) return new_config def _quantize_model_config(config, dtype='float16'): """ Change the dtype of the model """ model_classes = ('Functional', 'Sequential') new_config = config.copy() for i in range(len(new_config['layers'])): if new_config['layers'][i]['class_name'] in model_classes: new_config['layers'][i] = _quantize_model_config( new_config['layers'][i]['config'], dtype) else: new_config['layers'][i]['config']['dtype'] = dtype return new_config
[docs]def replace_weights(new_model, old_model): """ Replace the weights of a newly created model with the weights (sans masks) of an old model """ for i in range(len(new_model.layers)): # Recursion in case the model contains other models if isinstance(new_model.layers[i], tf.keras.models.Model): replace_weights(new_model.layers[i], old_model.layers[i]) # If not masking layers, simply replace weights elif not isinstance(old_model.layers[i], MASKING_LAYERS): new_model.layers[i].set_weights(old_model.layers[i].get_weights()) # If masking layers, replace only the required weights else: n_weights = len(new_model.layers[i].get_weights()) new_model.layers[i].set_weights( old_model.layers[i].get_weights()[:n_weights]) # Compile and return the model new_model.compile() return new_model
def _replace_masking_weights(new_model, old_model): """ Replace the weights of a newly created model with the weights (adding masks) of an old model """ for i in range(len(new_model.layers)): # Recursion in case the model contains other models if isinstance(new_model.layers[i], tf.keras.models.Model): _replace_masking_weights(new_model.layers[i], old_model.layers[i]) # If not masking layers, simply replace weights elif not isinstance(new_model.layers[i], MASKING_LAYERS): new_model.layers[i].set_weights(old_model.layers[i].get_weights()) # If masking layers, replace the weights and have all ones as the masks else: n_weights = len(old_model.layers[i].get_weights()) weights = old_model.layers[i].get_weights() weights.extend(new_model.layers[i].get_weights()[n_weights:]) new_model.layers[i].set_weights(weights) # Compile and return the model new_model.compile() return new_model
[docs]def add_layer_masks(model, additional_custom_objects=None): """ Convert a trained model from one that does not have masking weights to one that does have masking weights Parameters ---------- model : TensorFlow Keras model The model to be converted additional_custom_objects : dict or None (default None) Additional custom layers to use Returns ------- new_model : TensorFlow Keras model The converted model """ custom_objects = get_custom_objects() if additional_custom_objects is not None: custom_objects.update(additional_custom_objects) # Replace the config of the model config = model.get_config() new_config = _create_masking_config(config) # Create the new model try: new_model = tf.keras.models.Model().from_config( new_config, custom_objects=custom_objects ) except Exception: new_model = tf.keras.models.Sequential().from_config( new_config, custom_objects=custom_objects ) # Replace the weights of the new model new_model = _replace_masking_weights(new_model, model) # Compile and return the model new_model.compile() return new_model
[docs]def quantize_model(model, dtype='float16', additional_custom_objects=None): """ Apply model quantization Parameters ---------- model : TensorFlow Keras Model The model to quantize dtype : str or TensorFlow datatype (default 'float16') The datatype to quantize to additional_custom_objects : None or dict (default None) Additional custom objects to use to instantiate the model Returns ------- new_model : TensorFlow Keras Model The quantized model """ # Grab the configuration from the original model model_config = model.get_config() # Grab the weights from the original model as well weights = model.get_weights() # Change the weights to have the new datatype new_weights = [ np.array(w, dtype=dtype) for w in weights ] # Change the config to get the quantized configuration new_config = _quantize_model_config(model_config, dtype) # Instantiate the new model from the new config custom_objects = get_custom_objects() if additional_custom_objects is not None: custom_objects.update(additional_custom_objects) try: new_model = tf.keras.models.Model.from_config( new_config, custom_objects=custom_objects) except Exception: new_model = tf.keras.models.Sequential.from_config( new_config, custom_objects=custom_objects) # Set the weights of the new model new_model.set_weights(new_weights) return new_model
def _get_masking_weights(model): """ Get the masking weights of a model Parameters ---------- model : TensorFlow Keras model The model to get the masking weights of Returns ------- weights : list of TensorFlow tensors The requested weights """ return [ layer.weights for layer in model.layers if isinstance(layer, MASKING_LAYERS) ]
[docs]def get_task_masking_gradients( model, task_num ): """ Get the gradients of masking weights within a model Parameters ---------- model : TensorFlow Keras model The model to retrieve the gradients of Notes ----- - This function should only be run *before* the model has been trained or used to predict. There is an unknown bug related to TensorFlow which is leading to incorrect results after initial training - When running this function, randomized input and output data is sent through the model to retrieve gradients respective to each task. If the model is compiled using `sparse_categorical_crossentropy' loss, this will break this function's functionality. As a result, please use `categorical_crossentropy` (or even better, `mse`) before running this function. After retrieving gradients, the model can be recompiled with whatever parameters are desired. Returns ------- gradients : list of TensorFlow tensors The gradients of the masking weights of the model """ # Figure out the number of tasks output_shapes = model.output_shape if isinstance(output_shapes, list): num_tasks = len(output_shapes) else: num_tasks = 1 # Get the loss weights if num_tasks > 1: loss_weights = [0] * num_tasks loss_weights[task_num] = 1 # Get the masking weights masking_weights = _get_masking_weights(model) # Configure inputs inputs = [] input_shapes = model.input_shape if isinstance(input_shapes, list): for shape in input_shapes: new_shape = list(shape) for i in range(len(new_shape)): if new_shape[i] is None: new_shape[i] = 1 inputs.append(np.random.random(new_shape)) else: new_shape = list(input_shapes) for i in range(len(new_shape)): if new_shape[i] is None: new_shape[i] = 1 inputs.append(np.random.random(new_shape)) # Configure outputs outputs = [] output_shapes = model.output_shape if isinstance(output_shapes, list): for shape in output_shapes: new_shape = list(shape) for i in range(len(new_shape)): if new_shape[i] is None: new_shape[i] = 1 outputs.append(np.random.random(new_shape)) else: new_shape = list(output_shapes) for i in range(len(new_shape)): if new_shape[i] is None: new_shape[i] = 1 outputs.append(np.random.random(new_shape)) # Configure the losses losses = model.loss if not isinstance(losses, list): losses = [losses] * num_tasks losses = [ tf.keras.losses.get(loss) for loss in losses ] # Get the gradients of the weights wrt the task with tf.GradientTape() as tape: raw_preds = model(inputs) loss_values = [losses[i](outputs[i], raw_preds[i]) * loss_weights[i] for i in range(len(losses))] gradients = tape.gradient(loss_values, masking_weights) return gradients
[docs]def mask_task_weights( model, task_masking_gradients, percentile, respect_previous_tasks=True ): """ Parameters ---------- model : TensorFlow Keras model The model to be masked task_masking_gradients : list of TensorFlow tensors The gradients for the specific task requested percentile : int The percentile to mask/prune respect_previous_tasks : bool (default True) Whether to respect the weights used for previous tasks and not use them for subsequent tasks Returns ------- masked_model : TensorFlow Keras model The masked model """ # Get the actual weights to be able to set them masking_weights = [ layer.get_weights() for layer in model.layers if isinstance(layer, MASKING_LAYERS) ] # Iterate through each of the layers of the model, keeping track of the index of which masking layer has been achieved masking_idx = 0 for layer in model.layers: if isinstance(layer, MASKING_LAYERS): # Set the new masks to be masked new_masks = [] # Different procedures if multi masking layer vs single masking layer if isinstance(layer, MULTI_MASKING_LAYERS): # Check for all of the weights in the list of weights (corresponding to gradients) for weight_num in range(len(task_masking_gradients[masking_idx])): # Set the weight and gradient values so it's easier to follow weight = masking_weights[masking_idx][weight_num] gradient = task_masking_gradients[masking_idx][weight_num] # If gradient is None, then the value is a mask task_idx_num = None if gradient is not None: # Figure out which task index is the right one for task_idx in range(gradient.shape[0]): if not (gradient[task_idx].numpy() == 0).all(): task_idx_num = task_idx if task_idx_num is not None: # Get the new weight for that task only task_weight = np.abs(weight[task_idx_num]) # Enforce respecting previous-task weights if respect_previous_tasks and task_idx_num > 0: task_weight[(weight[:task_idx_num] != 0).astype( int).sum(axis=0).astype(bool)] = 0 # Get the new mask weight_mask = (task_weight >= np.percentile( task_weight, percentile)) # Find the existing mask and set the value of only the task-specific part layer_mask = masking_weights[masking_idx][weight_num + int( len(masking_weights[masking_idx]) / 2)] layer_mask[task_idx_num] = weight_mask # Append the new mask new_masks.append(layer_mask) # If the layer is a single masking layer else: for weight_num in range(len(task_masking_gradients[masking_idx])): # Assign the weight and the gradient for this specific layer, for sanity weight = masking_weights[masking_idx][weight_num] gradient = task_masking_gradients[masking_idx][weight_num] # If gradient is None, then the weight is a mask if gradient is not None: # Only proceed if the gradient exists if not (gradient.numpy() == 0).all(): weight = np.abs(weight) weight_mask = ( weight >= np.percentile(weight, percentile)) new_masks.append(weight_mask) # If new masks have been identified (it's possible that this did not occur), set the new masks for that layer if new_masks != []: layer.set_masks(new_masks) # Lastly, increase the masking index by 1 masking_idx += 1 # Compile the model again and return it model.compile() return model
[docs]def train_model_iteratively( model, task_gradients, train_x, train_y, validation_split, delta, batch_size, losses, optimizer='adam', metrics=None, starting_pruning=0, pruning_rate=10, patience=5, max_epochs=100 ): """ Train a model iteratively on each task, first obtaining baseline performance on each task and then iteratively training and pruning each task as far back as possible while maintaining acceptable performance on each task Parameters ---------- model : TensorFlow Keras model The model to be trained task_gradients : list of TensorFlow tensors Gradients for each task, output from the `get_task_masking_gradients` function train_x : list of numpy arrays, TensorFlow Datasets, or other data types models can train with The input data to use to train on train_y : list of numpy arrays, TensorFlow Datasets, or other data types model can train with The output data to use to train on validation_split : float, or list of float The proportion of data to use for validation delta : float The tolerance between validation losses to be considered "acceptable" performance to continue batch_size : int The batch size to train with losses : str, list, or Keras loss function The loss or losses to use when training optimizer : str, list, or Keras optimizer The optimizer to use when training (default 'adam') starting_pruning : int or list of int (default 0) The starting pruning rate to use for each task pruning_rate : int or list of int (default [10, 5, 2, 1]) The pruning rate to use patience : int (default 5) The patience for number of epochs to wait for performance to improve sufficiently max_epochs : int or list of int (default 100) The maximum number of epochs to use for training each task """ # Get some information about the training procedure, including the number of tasks # and the gradients for each task num_tasks = len(train_x) # Keep track of the amount of the model currently used amount_used = 100 # Start the training iterations for task_num in range(num_tasks): print(f'Training task {task_num}') # Get the starting task pruning rate for the current task if isinstance(starting_pruning, int): task_start_pruning = starting_pruning else: task_start_pruning = starting_pruning[task_num] # Get the current pruning rate if isinstance(pruning_rate, int): current_pruning_rate = pruning_rate else: current_pruning_rate = pruning_rate[task_num] # Configure the current validation split if isinstance(validation_split, float): current_validation_split = validation_split else: current_validation_split = validation_split[task_num] # Configure the loss weights loss_weights = [0] * num_tasks loss_weights[task_num] = 1 # Configure the epochs if isinstance(max_epochs, int): current_epochs = max_epochs else: current_epochs = max_epochs[task_num] # Compile the model model.compile( loss=losses, optimizer=optimizer, loss_weights=loss_weights, metrics=metrics ) # Train the model initially callback = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping( min_delta=delta, patience=patience, restore_best_weights=True ) history = train_x[task_num], train_y[task_num], batch_size=batch_size, epochs=current_epochs, validation_split=current_validation_split, callbacks=[callback], verbose=2 ) # Retrieve the validation loss and current best weights best_loss = min(history.history['val_loss']) best_weights = model.get_weights() # Training loop for the task at hand current_wait = 0 if task_num == 0: current_prune = task_start_pruning else: current_prune = max(task_start_pruning, amount_used) keep_training = True just_started = True # If pruning needs to occur, do it if current_prune != 0: print(f'Pruning task to {current_prune}') model = mask_task_weights( model, task_gradients[task_num], current_prune ) # keep_training indicates that training is to occur while keep_training: # First prune the model to the next pruning rate if current_prune + current_pruning_rate < 100: # Check if the training just started if not just_started: # Increase the pruning rate current_prune += current_pruning_rate model = mask_task_weights( model, task_gradients[task_num], current_prune ) print(f'Pruning task to {current_prune}') else: just_started = False # Recompile the model model.compile( loss=losses, optimizer=optimizer, loss_weights=loss_weights, metrics=metrics ) # Train the model with the new pruning rate while current_wait < patience: # Fit the model for a single epoch history = train_x[task_num], train_y[task_num], batch_size=batch_size, validation_split=current_validation_split, verbose=2 ) # Get the new loss loss = history.history['val_loss'][-1] # If loss is within acceptable range, grab the best weights and # reassign the best loss. Otherwise, increase current wait if loss < best_loss + delta: best_weights = model.get_weights() best_loss = loss break else: current_wait += 1 # If pruning was not successful, restore best pruning rate if current_wait == patience or current_prune + current_pruning_rate >= 100: keep_training = False else: keep_training = False # Record how much of the model has been used if task_num == 0: amount_used -= current_prune else: amount_used += 100 - current_prune # Now that current wait has been reached, restore best weights model.set_weights(best_weights) # Recompile the model model.compile( loss=losses, optimizer=optimizer, loss_weights=loss_weights, metrics=metrics ) # Fit using the new best weights train_x[task_num], train_y[task_num], batch_size=batch_size, epochs=current_epochs, validation_split=current_validation_split, callbacks=[callback], verbose=2 ) return model
[docs]def train_model( model, train_x, train_y, loss, metrics, optimizer, cutoff, batch_size=32, epochs=100, starting_sparsification=0, max_sparsification=99, sparsification_rate=5, sparsification_patience=10, stopping_patience=5 ): model.compile(loss=loss, metrics=metrics, optimizer=optimizer) callback = ActiveSparsification( cutoff, starting_sparsification=starting_sparsification, max_sparsification=max_sparsification, sparsification_rate=sparsification_rate, sparsification_patience=sparsification_patience, stopping_patience=stopping_patience ) train_x, train_y, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, callbacks=[callback] ) return model