Source code for beyondml.tflow.layers.SparseMultiDense

from tensorflow.keras.layers import Layer
import tensorflow as tf

[docs]class SparseMultiDense(Layer): """ Sparse implementation of the MultiDense layer. If used in a model, must be saved and loaded via pickle """ def __init__( self, weight, bias, activation=None, **kwargs ): """ Parameters ---------- weight : tf.Tensor The kernel tensor bias : tf.Tensor The bias tensor activation : None, str or keras activation function (default None) The activation function to use """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.w = { i: tf.sparse.from_dense(weight[i]) for i in range(weight.shape[0]) } self.b = { i: tf.sparse.from_dense(bias[i]) for i in range(bias.shape[0]) } self.activation = tf.keras.activations.get(activation)
[docs] def build(self, input_shape): """ Build the layer in preparation to be trained or called. Should not be called directly, but rather is called when the layer is added to a model """ pass
[docs] def call(self, inputs): """ This is where the layer's logic lives and is called upon inputs Parameters ---------- inputs : TensorFlow Tensor or Tensor-like The inputs to the layer Returns ------- outputs : TensorFlow Tensor The outputs of the layer's logic """ output_tensor = [ tf.matmul(inputs[i], tf.sparse.to_dense(self.w[i])) + tf.sparse.to_dense(self.b[i]) for i in range(len(inputs)) ] return [ self.activation(tensor) for tensor in output_tensor ]
[docs] def get_config(self): config = super().get_config().copy() config['activation'] = tf.keras.activations.serialize(self.activation) return config
[docs] @classmethod def from_layer(cls, layer): """ Create a layer from an instance of another layer """ weights = layer.get_weights() w = weights[0] b = weights[1] activation = layer.activation return cls( w, b, activation )
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config): return cls(**config)